Friday, July 31, 2009

Disregard the last blog. All is well.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

I left the house today to help my friend get the rest of his stuff out of storage after moving. I stopped to get gas and went inside to pay for my gas before pumping and when I get back in my truck after pumping my gas. SOME ASSHOLE HAS STOLEN MY FUCKING IPOD!!!! In he 2 minutes I was inside someone openned my door and took my iPOD. To make it worse there was one other car at he station at the time and I asked if they saw someone go near my truck they said no but 2 of them would not make eye contact. I am so furious. Fucking savages in this town Feel free to gripe below.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


So I take some shit in my circle of friends about my enjoyment of the show Entourage. I usually defend myself with a hearty fuck you. After watching the most recent episode I finally understand what it is about that show that I enjoy. It is the way the four (or five if Ari counts)main characters are with each other. Sure Vince is the $, Eric is the brains, Turtle and Drama the comic relief but there is more to it than that. The show is about these 4 guys who grew up together and have eachother's backs to the end. It's the loyalty that draws me not to mention that they are living the fantasy of millions of people. Why? Comment with any legitimate reason below.