Monday, April 20, 2009

Falling Heroes

As most everyone who knows me is aware of I have nongay love for Kevin Smith. There was a time when he made a movie it would feel as though he was speaking to me. This applies to Clerks, Chasing Amy, Dogma and Clerks 2 even Jersey Girl. I did not care for Zach and Miri and Mallrats and JSBSB are not the emotional films that the previous list are. I used to love listening to Mr. Smith talk be it in an interview on a DVD or on SModcast. Although in the last year I feel any connection I had to him seems to be fading fast. After Z&M wrapped Kevin Smith told a story of watching that finished movie with one of the stars all the while smoking pot. I do not look down on those that smoke pot, although I am pursuing a career that make me the enemy of pot smokers everywhere. Pot has changed my once hero into that guy you know that smokes too much pot. Here are a sampling of the things that he posted on Twitter today in order of their Tweeting.

Now after that one I tweeted this "What happened to you?You have turned into kind of a douche.I hope pot is worth it." He read it and even more odd to me he acknowledged it. It's all here:

I heard someone say that you should never meet you heroes because they'll only let you down but when I met my hero it was awesome. It's now that I feel let down.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Though I have never imbibed one drop, I love tequila. Love it.

Friday, April 17, 2009

It never ceases to amaze and disgust me with the man sized dumps my kid takes all the while talking to herself.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Truly a magic kingdom.

I was putting Allie in bed tonight and she wanted to watch Phineas and Ferb. So we were changing the DVD in her DVD player and she wanted to close it. When she says close it she cranes accross the gap between her bed and dresser and forces the DVD tray shut. So I had the bright idea that tonight I would give her the remote and let her press the "close" button. When she did this her face lit up and we had the following exchange:
"Daddy I'm magic"
"You are?"
"Yeah my hands are"
"Let me see those hands? (She offers up hands) Yep those are magic hand. Where did you get magic hands?"
And then she looked at me like I had just asked the dumbest question ever and said
"Disney World"

That trip to Disney World last November just paid for itself. Thanks Walt.