Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Break Up letter.

Dear Firefox,
I am writing this because I wanted you to hear it from me. I found someone new. I will never forget the good times that we had together or that you got me out of that bad relationship with IE. I will always be thankful that you were there for me when I needed you. My new love's name is Google Chrome and I think that we will be together for a long, long time. GC is so easy to use and doesn't seem to have any of your issues but does have all of your strengths. Please don't be sad. Steven

Monday, October 12, 2009

I recently had a problem with Best Buy. My laptop got F'd, so I took it up there because it was still under warranty. Well instead of honoring the warranty they decided to just refund, via a Best Buy Giftcard, the money I spent on the warranty. I spent the giftcard today on the Kodak Zi8, a new case for my iPhone that doubles it's battery life, and Miracle and Sky Captain on BluRay. I told them when they offered me the giftcard that it would be the last money I spent in their store and it shall be. My total today was $300.63. Enjoy my $0.63 Best Buy. This makes me a little sad because I used to love Best Buy. It's just too bad their customer service is so terrible and they don't care about customer loyalty.

Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I just watch Wall•E again. That movie is absolutely amazing. The emotion in Wall•E is more real than most live action movies. Add that to the fact that the film makers were able to convey that emotion through 2 chatacters that have a combined vocabulary of 15 words. Wall•E and UP have officially made it into my top 5 all time.

Sent from my iPhone

Friday, July 31, 2009

Disregard the last blog. All is well.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

I left the house today to help my friend get the rest of his stuff out of storage after moving. I stopped to get gas and went inside to pay for my gas before pumping and when I get back in my truck after pumping my gas. SOME ASSHOLE HAS STOLEN MY FUCKING IPOD!!!! In he 2 minutes I was inside someone openned my door and took my iPOD. To make it worse there was one other car at he station at the time and I asked if they saw someone go near my truck they said no but 2 of them would not make eye contact. I am so furious. Fucking savages in this town Feel free to gripe below.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


So I take some shit in my circle of friends about my enjoyment of the show Entourage. I usually defend myself with a hearty fuck you. After watching the most recent episode I finally understand what it is about that show that I enjoy. It is the way the four (or five if Ari counts)main characters are with each other. Sure Vince is the $, Eric is the brains, Turtle and Drama the comic relief but there is more to it than that. The show is about these 4 guys who grew up together and have eachother's backs to the end. It's the loyalty that draws me not to mention that they are living the fantasy of millions of people. Why? Comment with any legitimate reason below.

Monday, June 22, 2009

The following was in the FML today,

Today, while walking in the mall, I had two people race past me in wheelchairs. Thinking they were racing, I started rooting for the one guy that was ahead. Turns out his wheelchair was malfunctioning and the other was chasing after to help. He then slammed and fell into the water fountain. FML

Had I witnessed that I would still be on the floor laughing. I am an asshole and you probably are too.

Sunday, May 31, 2009


I love Pixar. More than any other studio or film maker for that matter. Pixar has yet to make a sub par movie. Let's go through the list shall we?
1.Toy Story
2.Bug's Life
3.Toy Story 2
4.Monsters Inc.
5.Finding Nemo
6.The Incredibles

I challenge you to find another film maker that has made ten incredible movies in a row. You can't. You know why? It does not exist. One of the many things that makes Pixar so special is that story comes first. They make movies that appeal to kids with the characters but it is the great stories that that get the parents to the theater not seemingly as hostages (this applies to any parent who took their kid to see the chipmunk movie or under dog, or garfield, etc.) but as willing participants. Dreamworks' animation dept. tried copying this but ultimately succumbed to the temptation of the dollar. I sat through Shrek 3 once and if you put a gun to my head I could not tell you how it ends because I honestly don't remember. I could watch any Pixar movie at any time of any day because they are great. The one thing that I can say that Pixar does not do well is that there are times when they don't make the best trailers for their movies. When I went into see Ratatouille I had no idea what the movie was about and was thinking that this is going to be the one that ends the streak of great movies. I could not have been more wrong. WALL-E was easily in my top 3 movies from last year and UP will be this year. UP is the story of Carl Fredricksen a man who is having trouble letting go. The first 20 mins of UP are among the most emotion and heart wrenching that I have ever experienced. Pixar's gift to the world is taking an animated movies and injecting it with a beating heart and soul, this is what allows us mere mortals to identify with a love sick robot, an overprotective fish, and a rat with delusions of grandeur. Pixar is in a caretgory all to itself and we are all the better for it. If you haven't seen UP, see it. If you have seen UP, see it again. Then when the lights come back on in the theater wipe the satisfying tears from your eyes and thank God for the fantastic story tellers of Pixar.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Falling Heroes

As most everyone who knows me is aware of I have nongay love for Kevin Smith. There was a time when he made a movie it would feel as though he was speaking to me. This applies to Clerks, Chasing Amy, Dogma and Clerks 2 even Jersey Girl. I did not care for Zach and Miri and Mallrats and JSBSB are not the emotional films that the previous list are. I used to love listening to Mr. Smith talk be it in an interview on a DVD or on SModcast. Although in the last year I feel any connection I had to him seems to be fading fast. After Z&M wrapped Kevin Smith told a story of watching that finished movie with one of the stars all the while smoking pot. I do not look down on those that smoke pot, although I am pursuing a career that make me the enemy of pot smokers everywhere. Pot has changed my once hero into that guy you know that smokes too much pot. Here are a sampling of the things that he posted on Twitter today in order of their Tweeting.

Now after that one I tweeted this "What happened to you?You have turned into kind of a douche.I hope pot is worth it." He read it and even more odd to me he acknowledged it. It's all here:

I heard someone say that you should never meet you heroes because they'll only let you down but when I met my hero it was awesome. It's now that I feel let down.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Though I have never imbibed one drop, I love tequila. Love it.

Friday, April 17, 2009

It never ceases to amaze and disgust me with the man sized dumps my kid takes all the while talking to herself.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Truly a magic kingdom.

I was putting Allie in bed tonight and she wanted to watch Phineas and Ferb. So we were changing the DVD in her DVD player and she wanted to close it. When she says close it she cranes accross the gap between her bed and dresser and forces the DVD tray shut. So I had the bright idea that tonight I would give her the remote and let her press the "close" button. When she did this her face lit up and we had the following exchange:
"Daddy I'm magic"
"You are?"
"Yeah my hands are"
"Let me see those hands? (She offers up hands) Yep those are magic hand. Where did you get magic hands?"
And then she looked at me like I had just asked the dumbest question ever and said
"Disney World"

That trip to Disney World last November just paid for itself. Thanks Walt.